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Quit Smoking With M&D Green

No matter how long you’ve been smoking, it’s never too late to quit. Drop into your local M&D Green Pharmacy, where our team is ready to guide and support you through every step - no apps or appointments required.

Why Quit Smoking?

People stop smoking for many reasons - health benefits, financial savings, or protecting loved ones from second-hand smoke. Whatever your motivation, we’re here to help.

The benefits of quitting smoking start immediately:

  • Within days: Reduced heart rate, normalized carbon monoxide levels, and improved taste and smell.
  • Within months: Reduced coughing, wheezing, and breathlessness.
  • Within a year: Half your risk of heart disease.

Quitting also reduces risks to those around you, including chest infections, asthma attacks, and cancer.

Financially, quitting can save thousands annually. Smoking 20 cigarettes daily costs nearly £4,000 per year!

What We Offer

Our 12-week programme combines expert advice with ongoing support from our friendly, trained staff. We’ll provide tailored guidance and recommend products like Nicotine Replacement Therapy to suit your needs. Drop in anytime - no appointments necessary.

Complete our Smoking Cessation form online to kickstart your journey or visit your nearest M&D Green Pharmacy today. Let us help you make a lasting change.


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