Medicines Check

If you are uncertain about your medication, drop into any pharmacy and speak to one of our pharmacists. They will be happy to explain your medication and answer any questions you may have. Our medicines check service is free.

Managing your medication can be difficult, especially if you have to take a number of medicines, several times a day.

Our medicines checking service will help you to receive the maximum benefit from your medications. The checking service will help you to understand how best to take your prescription and will review your medical needs in line with your current prescription.

The medicines check will take no more than 10 minutes and will leave you feeling satisfied that you are getting the most out of your prescription. You will be able to talk with our pharmacists in private about any concerns you may have.

If you have difficulty remembering to take your medication, we can offer a range of compliance support tools. This simplifies the process for the patient and carers, ensuring that medications are taken correctly and at the appropriate time.

We also offer a safe disposal service for unwanted or expired medicines. This helps prevent the dangerous build up of out of date medicines in your medicines cabinet.